Why exercise is so important when using weight loss medications

Weight loss medications like Wegovy and Mounjaro that decrease appetite and reduce food cravings can be effective for people with obesity who are struggling to lose weight. However, some individuals experience weight gain as soon as they stop taking the medications. This is an unfortunate situation, but there is a way to prevent it.

A study highlights that exercise is a simple way to avoid unhealthy weight gain after stopping the medication. It’s also important to start exercising while using GLP-1 medications like Mounjaro. The research found that individuals who exercised regularly while on weight loss medications were better able to maintain their weight, largely because building muscle contributes to a healthier lifestyle overall.

The study involved 195 Danish adults with obesity, who were divided into groups receiving medication and/or exercise. After a year, it was clear that those who combined medication with exercise lost the most weight. Conversely, individuals who used only medication without additional exercise gained weight during this period.

What can you do to lose weight permanently? According to the findings, it’s important to exercise for at least two hours per week, particularly focusing on strength training. Having more muscle helps prevent weight gain after stopping weight loss medications. Therefore, incorporating exercise into a treatment plan with weight loss medication appears crucial for successful long-term weight loss.

Source: Washington Post